Live your best life.


Mission: To inspire and guide individuals to overcome perceived limitations and maximize wellness, career, and financial success.

Would you like to experience success in more areas of life? Have you hit a plateau and seek tremendous success? Namaine Coombs and his coaching methods can unleash you from perceived limitations and maximize your full potential. He evokes self-discovery, awareness, and accountability to support you in becoming happier and more successful. Namaine is here to meet you where you are and encourage an internal evolution that can lead to limitless and life-changing results.

Coaching is grounded in psychological theories to help you elevate the quality of your mindset and actions leading to better decisions and outcomes. Effective coaching bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be from the inside out. Namaine does just that! It is that simple.

Benefits of UNLEASH

Improve Focus

Develop a renewed sense of self by gaining control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions

Gain Perspective

Discover your “why” and enhance your skills to advance academically, professionally, or as an entrepreneur

Achieve Goals

Design objectives to help you develop a positive relationship with money and overcome financial roadblocks


During the first seven years of your life, you develop foundational beliefs from your influences, observations, and experiences that feed your thoughts and actions. Some of these beliefs may be flawed, limiting, or even biased, confining your decisions and actions’ successful outcomes. 

UNLEASH coaching focuses on replacing the limiting beliefs embedded within the subconscious mind that prevent you from achieving all you desire. By intentionally addressing the subconscious mind, self-development solutions can be permanent and self-sabotaging behavior can be minimized, leading to a happier and more successful life.

Contact UNLEASH today and invite greater happiness and success into your life!